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The BEST General Announcments listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST General Announcments listings near North Central Wisconsin

General Announcments 

"Lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save your souls" James 1:21
Farm Fresh Food Delivered To Your Door! Place Order By 10 pm Wednesday for Friday Delivery.
Farm Fresh Food Delivered To Your Door! Place Order By 10 pm Wednesday for Friday Delivery.
HOUSEKEEPER Pro­vid­ing house­keep­ing for the Lake DuBay area. 30 years ex­pe­ri­ence. Trust­wor­thy and re­li­able. Call Cindy at 715-457-5055.
Hub City Times Clas­si­fied Ad Dead­line To place a clas­si­fied ad call our of­fice at 715-384-4440 or on­line at clas­si­ be­fore 10am on Fri­day. Your ad will run in the paper the fol­low­ing week. Cost starts at $10/week for 5 lines (appx 25 words). Pre­pay­ment is re­quired.
I will pick up your un­wanted small and large items for FREE! 715-355-9776
Looking for a single male companion for a casual relationship. Looking for someone who is down to earth & physically fit. Must have a driver's license. 715-536-6242
N.S.SWM 67 to meet N.S.SWF 64-66 for dating, companionship & friendship. Looking for an honest person. Call evenings: 715-842-7731 and tell me about yourself.
Retirement- Jay's Village Barber Shop: After 50 years of barbering, Jay Balistreri is retiring. The last day of business will be September 26, 2024. Thank you for your patronage! Feel free to call or stop by before retirement. 920-787-3443
Retirement- Jay's Village Barber Shop: After 50 years of barbering, Jay Balistreri is retiring. The last day of business will be September 26, 2024. Thank you for your patronage! Feel free to call or stop by before retirement. 920-787-3443
Town of Saratoga Electronics Recycling Event: FREE Electronics Recycling Event for those within a 50-mile radius of the Town of Saratoga. Please register online at Additional details in flyer at
Town of Saratoga Electronics Recycling Event: FREE Electronics Recycling Event for those within a 50-mile radius of the Town of Saratoga. Please register online at Additional details in flyer at
WORK WANTED Can do al­most any work you need done, in­side or out. Leave a mes­sage at 715-227-3606


Nicolette Coffee
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